Wednesday, 30 August 2017

My Endoscopy

This time yesterday was VERY interesting! It wasn't fun having an endoscopy! First of all, my IDIOTIC picolax is STUPID! I mean it worked but I HATE IT!! the fact that I was up till THREE IN THE MORNING STUCK ON THE LOO made me hate it! I also hate the fact I was FASTING!!! I HAD NEVER BEEN SO HUNGRY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! I was totally EMPTY! I also had to get up at six in the morning!😴😴😴 I did sleep on car ride to the hospital.☺

In the hospital,  we had a REALLY nice nurse called Vera. 😷😷😷 After HOURS the she took off my numbing cream and gave me an injection. I couldn't feel a  thing! I didn't like looking at it while it was going in for some strange reason... after that, I went to a room where the endoscopy is done. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–They told me to lie on my side while they put a cold liquid that they called penguin milk in the injection thingy ma bob and I could feel it travel up my veins! Then I fell asleep. I dreamed about my cat. 😺😺😺It felt weird to think that a camera had just been shoved down my throat and up my behind!😜😜😜 When I woke up, the nurses wheeled me in my hospital bed thingy to the children area. I had a headache and I didn't really know what was going on. It turned out that they didn't find anything!πŸ˜ͺ😧πŸ˜₯😫😭Now I have to spend this week refilling my tum tum πŸ˜¬πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’